"Honoring the greatness of Jesus Christ by growing spiritually, living authentically, and participating in his purposes." -classic city church's mission statement

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

day 9- less is more

day 9!

So what I've realized over and over again throughout my fast is that less is totally more.

I've realized that when my diet is so limited, I genuinely get excited about eating. Like today...oh my goodness mashed potatoes and peas is the best thing ever. mmmmm.

And this definitely carries over into the rest of life. Sometimes we fill ourselves up with so much clutter, whether is be lots of people, lots of work, lots of projects, lots of tv or books, lots of shirts or shoes, that we really don't appreciate any of them like we should.

Even scripture, to an extent, is like this. If you just read the bible quickly to try to read the whole thing as quick as possible, you don't really dive deep into each passage.

Less breadth, more depth. Then we have the time and the ability and the passion to focus in on what we have.

even my blogs sometimes suffer from this. I write so many words that people can't focus in on any of them.

I used to have this problem in undergrad. I am a horrible overachiever, and so I was in most every club ever. I booked myself pretty much from 8am-midnight every day with stuff, that i couldnt really appreciate any of it, and i definitely didnt have time to go back and think or pray or work on any of it either. and so all of it suffered.

so maybe, we should only commit to what we know won't end up as clutter.

day 9- apple, mashed potatoes and peas, and vegetable soup

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