"Honoring the greatness of Jesus Christ by growing spiritually, living authentically, and participating in his purposes." -classic city church's mission statement

Sunday, January 17, 2010

day 7- brussel sprouts and being with God

day 7- and how awesome that it's a sunday.

I'm a back of the church kind of girl. Singing upstage is ok, but there are plenty of girls who want to get up and praise God. Doing soundboard, on the other hand, we only have 3 people, and that's counting me.

But it's more than just where i'm needed (although that is obviously a big part of why i do what i do); there's something about coming 1.5 hours early to church and sitting in the back turning knobs and listening to the worship team warm up that really gets me excited. to me, that time is worship time too. when we stop and laugh when paul tries to sing too low, when the microphones arn't perfect yet, when we forget when to switch back to the chorus, when one of my moniters dies and i have to reroute the entire system; the times when we fumble around until we get it right.

it makes me feel calm. we prepare in an empty theatre, we pray, and then we see God work in us as the congregation fills it up and raises their hands.

i think my point for day 7 is that there are a lot of different ways to worship God. and sometimes i feel bad for people who don't enjoy singing as much as i do, because that's predominantly what all churches use every sunday to praise God. although some stand, some kneel, some clap, and some raise their hands, they all sing.

which i think is awesome. but that's not the only way to worship God.

We worship God anytime we are doing something for his glory. We can do art, we can sing, we can do our jobs well, pray- even having sex after marriage is a form of worship. worship is simply being with God and thanking Him for it.

I'm a back of the church kind of girl. I feel God and am with God and praise God the best when I give people sound and see everyone in front of me react to it. I praise God for community, because the holy spirit, just like laugher, is completely contagious. and when i see so many people filled, it makes me burst.

Everyone finds God in different ways. And that's really key to having a good relationship with Him; figuring out what you can do that really lights your spirit up. because connecting is important. God isn't just a religion; He's a relationship first.

i never really got God until i went to college. the reason was because i had never really worshiped Him, and i had never really prayed to Him. This is no fault of anyone, it's just that i didn't respond in the traditional church i grew up in. I read from a book, I sang the notes correctly. I tried to walk and talk and act like a christian. but it was very hollow.

when i got to college, my friend janelle dragged me to intervarsity, a christian fellowship group on campus. i was terrified out of my mind, thought it was like massive kareoke, and didn't want to go back. but i did. and eventually, it clicked. for me, it was about how free it was. you could clap, your could kneel, you could dance; but mostly, you could talk to God. free prayer was a shock for me. growing up reading prayers out of books works for some people, but it never clicked for me. when i got to iv and was shown that i could just close my eyes and say whatever i wanted to Him, that's when it became a relationship for me. when i started talking, and when i started listening. and that's also when i started singing, and it suddenly made sense.

but i also did a lot of other things to worship- i painted, i made collages, i ran. i was constantly realizing that there were so many ways to praise Him.

If one way of worship doesn't work for you, don't stop there. keep digging. you'll find Him.

day 7- grapefruit, potatoes and onions, and celebratory day 7 brussel sprouts (which actually, wern't as gross as i thought they were going to be)

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