"Honoring the greatness of Jesus Christ by growing spiritually, living authentically, and participating in his purposes." -classic city church's mission statement

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

day 3- haiti, hunger, and help

Today is going to be short and to the point.

How inconveniently convenient to have such a tragic event happen to introduce the link on the side of this blog entititled "helping others fight hunger".

One News source describes the situation below: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/cb_haiti_earthquake
The sky is in dust, one person says.

Approximately one third of Haiti's 9 million people need help, the American Red Cross Reports.

Basically, a huge earthquake hit Haiti. Lots of people died. Lots of people are injured. Lots of people are without food and water, and that's scary.

The thing that sticks out the most from this article, though, it a quote from a doctor.

"Haiti needs to pray. We all need to pray."

So for now, Haiti is my focus.

The World Food Programme is an organization that takes donations from all over the world to help people from all over the world. What they do is analyze and find out which places in the world need help the most each day, and then send relief. One of their main fundraisers is the fill the cup foundation, which brings warm meals to children all over the world via their schools.

I know that there are a lof of wonderful non-profit organizations out there dealing with hunger, and please feel free to share them on here. This is the program that I pray for and put my confidence in, because I think that they are really good at what they do. One of the reasons I really like it is because people all over the World donate to it- and eliminating separation is a big deal for me. Working with the world to love the world. That's so cool.

Today, their front page lists a huge article on Haiti, and asks people specifically to help now.

Sometimes donating on a regular basis is the way to go, but right now it's to find whatever spare money you have in your paypal or bank accounts to help Haiti now.

Some things can wait. Others can't.

Two days ago I spoke on getting started, and how it sucks. Often I fall victim to procrastination....oh remind me to do this later because I need to do it.

But why not just do it now, before you forget?

The link is here


My friend Monica also shared the red cross Haiti fund link with me to donate from, which is here:


Please feel free to list prayer requests related to Haiti or other ways to help under comments.

day 3- grapefruit, leftover vegetable soup, and probably lima beans and tomatoes for dinner.

I'll post the devotional tonight.

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