"Honoring the greatness of Jesus Christ by growing spiritually, living authentically, and participating in his purposes." -classic city church's mission statement

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

day 10- prayer, prayer, and prayer

Conversation of the day:

"How's your fast going?"

"It's going...sometimes it's hard to spend enough time on it I think and I just sort of...do it."

"How so?"

"I duno...I guess...sometimes I type up the devotionals and I read them and I look back in the bible for context and it just doesn't sink in...so I just move on."

"Well...do you pray before you start?"

"Yeah I mean I pray before I start and after."

"What do you pray about?"

"I don't know...church...family...haiti...whatever prayer requests I've written down..."

"Do you ever pray that He'll bless the Words your reading so you'll understand them?"

"Huh. I guess not."

"Want to right now with me?"

"Yeah, that would rock."

prayer is a big deal. and, like most people, it feels natural to pray for other people, but I'm always hesitant to pray for myself. but if God is our father, doesn't it make sense to go to your father when you need help? when your're hurting or lacking in some way? Ask Him to help you.

day 10- apple, vegetable soup, brussel sprouts

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