here's what the lovely book tells us for today!
Scripture: Eph. 4:15 & 16 (NLT) Instead, we speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of the body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.
Personal Reflection: Too often, we treat Christianity as a spectator sport with a few good players doing all of the work, while everyone else stands on the sidelines cheering them on. but our faith is not a football game,; it's the hope of the world for salvation and every one of us is needed so that the other parts grow and the body is healthy. As believers, we've all been given the gift of the Holy Spirit so that we can complete the work of the ministry. When everyone isn't doing their part, the whole body suffers. But with each one doing our part the whole body grows up and reflects the righteous character of Jesus Christ. This is the goal of our Christian life and what God has in mind for his church in the last days. Ask God to reveal where we arn't participating and to make us one so that the earth can be enlightened with his glory.
Going forward, I'm committed to _________.
Additional Scripture Support: Jam.1:27, Rom. 12:13, Thes. 5:14, Rom. 12:1&2, Col. 3:1, 1 Thes. 4:1, Titus 4:1, 1Pet. 1:13, Rom. 1:11
Praying through scripture: Philippians 2:12-17 (MSG)
Jesus, help your church to redouble its efforts, to be energetic in our life of salvation, reverent and sensitive before you. Our energy comes from you and is deep within us because you are willing and working at what will bring you the most pleasure. Help us to do everything readily and cheerfully- no bickering and no second guessing- so that your church can go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in the squalid and polluted society. You need all of us to provide people with a glimpse of good living and of you, the living God. We are living proof that you didn't come for nothing, let us carry the light-giving message of your love into the night so that when you return you will be proud of us. Amen.
One thing I love about church is that is is a full body, or at least it should be. I thank God for my current church so often because, even though we are only 2 years young, I see a body. I am thankful that my church is multiracial, that it has babies to seniors; college students and full families. I am thankful that we have people with wisdom, and people with other various gifts, such as teaching, giving, music, and hospitality. I love my church because its a big soup pot of mixture, and it's not simply hands hanging out with hands or feet with feet, it's a full and complete body taking care of every part. I learn so much from the married families about loving and selflessness and encouragement; the college kids give us so much energy and passion (and I love when we yell Amen during the sermon), our youth just has to giggle and we feel great inside. All of our talents bring us to be able to volunteer in the church in every way, so that everything is provided for, whether its nursery duty, picking up donuts, ministering to middle school kids, singing, or preaching, it's there. Our church functions and provides and it's so good for me.
But we are young and growing, and still learning how to do things. That's what this fast is for- we want to pray for direction in many ways- about starting missions trips, about helping our community more, about finding a larger venue to meet at, about fundraising.
Going forward, I'm committed to being a part of a whole, fasting with a larger body in order to assist the entire body. I am committed to helping and encouraging and keeping my church healthy, and not just not single church, Lord, but your entire community of believers. But also, Lord, I want to remember to praise you and thank you for what the awesome community you've placed me in. Because it's great. And I feel You. And I am encouraged.
On Fasting
15 years ago
Bekah, I just wanted to say how proud I am of you about your strength--spiritual and physical--during your fast. You have certainly inspired me to do perhaps a shorter version to help my own relationship with God. Sometimes it's easy to get complacent and I think you're right when you said something along the lines of fasting reawakening a spiritual hunger (that could be it or I could be making that up, it makes sense tho). I've been praying for you and I know you will make it to the end a better person for it.