day 10 in the prayer guide says:
Scripture: Matthew 9:17 (NLT) "And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskins so that both are preserved."
Personal Reflection:
An old wineskin is hardened and cracks easily when new wine is put into it; as the new wine ferments and expands, it runs out of room due to the old wineskin's inability to be flexible. The Body of Christ must be willing to be flexible as the pressure of our changing world demands that we expand to include new ways of thinking and reaching those who are lost. In a rapidly changing global environment, our old ways are not going to be as effective as they once were. We must learn how to be Spirit-led and Spirit-formed so that we don't camp out in any one way of doing ministry. Ask God to release a new wind of the Spirit upon the church to guide His Church in the right direction. Pray that the church has an open ear and willing heart to understand and take action on the Spirit's direction.
Going forward I'm committed to...
additional scripture support:
psalm 32:8, 37:5&23; 48:14, Jer. 1:7, 10:23, 29:11, Phil. 4:11-13, Prov. 1:33, 3:5, Isa. 48:17, 58:11
Praying through scripture:
1 corinthians 2:10-16 (MSG)
Jesus, we know your Spirit isn't content to flit around on the surface, but instead you dive into the depths of God and bring out His plans to us. Only you know what you're thinking and planning- but you let us in on it, giving us a full report. We don't have to rely on the world's guesses and opinions. We don't have to learn by reading books or going to school- instead we can learn person-to-person through you and pass it on in a personal, firsthand way. As your church, if we are spiritually alive, we can have access to everything you are doing. We don't have to wonder 'what you're doing'- you know and we have your spirit within us. Let us be open to each new direction and instruction, moving fluidly with you to be Spirit-led and Spirit-formed. Amen
On Fasting
15 years ago
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