Here's what the guide book says for today
John 4:23-24 (nlt) But the time is coming- indeed it's here now- when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who wil worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."
Personal reflection:
The purpose of our worship is to glorify, honor, praise, exalt and please God. Worship demonstrates our adoration and loyalty to God for his grace in providing us a way to escape the bondage of sin, so we can have the salvation he so much wants to give us. True worship is an act of humility that must be done from the heart and according to God's Word. As we worship God, in spirit and in truth, we acknowledge his holiness and our own unworthiness. This type of worship not only honors God, but edifies and strengthens us. We become more like the object of our admiration; developing the traits of a holy God. Ask the Holy Spirit to unleash a new wind of worship upon his church; piercing our hearts with a fresh understanding of holiness and humility that we might be true worshippers.
going forward i'm commited to ____
Additional scripture support:
james 4:6&8, jer 10:23, Phil 2:5, rom 12:2, col 3:2, 1 cor 6:20, psalm 89.7, mark 7:6, heb 12:28-29, 1 peter 1:15-16
Praying through scripture:
acts 17:24-29
Jesus, we worship you because you made the world and everything in it and, you, the master of the sky and land, don't live in houses made by man or need us to run your errands; as if you couldn't do it yourself. You made us, we didn't make you; starting from scratch, you made the entire human race and made the earth livable, with plenty of time and space for everything so we could seek after you, not just grope around in the dark, but actually find you. You are not far away, you are near- we live and move in you; can't get away from you. Give your church a fresh understanding of your majesty and pour out a new wind of worship that honors and magnifies because you are worthy. Amen
One of my greatest downfalls with worship is that sometimes when I do the same things over and over again, I don't pay attention to them anymore. I sing the world by heart, but I phase out and just do it without concentration. Same thing with reading scripture.
And then I have to go back and remind myself how POWERFUL those words are, even for the 800th time. And I have to refocus and reconcentrate. And it's great.
So, for today, going forward I'm committed to renewal in my worship- to trying to worship fully with all of my attention on God.
On Fasting
15 years ago
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