here's what my book says for day 6
scripture: rev. 3:15-17 (NLT) I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot or cold. I wish that you were one of the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! You say, 'I am rich. I have everything I want. I don't need a thing!' And you don't realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.
Personal reflection: If you're a coffee drinker, you understand that coffee is either good really hot or really cold, but if you drink it lukewarm it tastes terrible. The greatest danger facing each of us is being lukewarm in our faith; choosing to be indifferent to the commands of Christ, yet remain in the church pew. In America, we suffer from a great malady, thse who call themselves a Christian based on "going to church," "i was raised in a Christian home," ir "I was baptized when I was young." A lukewarm Christian is very hard to distinguish from the world and, a lot of times, is passing off pop-psychology or positive thinking for real relationshihp with christ Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the condition of your heart and guide you out of the "middle of the road" Christianity toward a burning passion for serving Him
Going forward, I'm committed to _______.
Additional Scripture Support:
phil. 3:13 & 14, 2 timothy 4:6-8, matthew 5:3, romans 6, prov. 13:7, Mark 10:24, luke 1:53, luke 6:24
praying through scripture:
2 cor. 13:5 & romans 12:3 (msg)
Jesus, test mme and teach me to test myself to make sure that I am solid in the faith. show me anywhere that I may be drifting along and taking things for granted. Holy Spirit, remind me to give myself regular checkups and give me first-hand insight into the condition of my heart. if i fall in any area, reveal it to me so that I can do something about it. i want to live in pure grace and not misrepresent myself as someone who is bringing goodness to God but remember that He brings all goodness to me. I commit to accurately understanding myself by what God is and what He does for me, not by who I see myself as and what I can do. Amen
A lot of times we think being weak means being not being independant, but here in rev. God says look, you're lukewarm because you tell yourself that you are independant. Being weak is not having God, being strong is being dependant.
And that's why relationship is so Godly; it's probably the way we can understand God the most on earth. I know I usually talk of dependancy as an "ew" and relationships as a "gross," but they are good, and dependancy is cool.
And so, our relationships here constantly help us to think back to our relationship with God. The other day I told Sherwin "Anything I can do by myself, I can do better with you," and for some reason it really hit me in the I should be thinking this way about God, too. And it was good.
On Fasting
15 years ago
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