here's the very last day in the prayer guide-
Matthew 9:37-38 (NLT) He said to the disciples, 'The harvest is great, but the workers are few. so pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields."
Personal reflection:
Jesus taught us to plead with God that he might call, equip and send laborers into the harvest. There is a lost and dying world waiting to hear the gospel. Yet, it can only happen if there are people who are willing to go out and proclaim the gospel to the nations. It is our responsibility to ask God to raise up new laborers and to pray for those who are already laying down their lives to evangelizr the world. Ask God to raise up those who have a deep, intimate relationship with him, mold them into powerful witnesses of Christ and remove anything that would hinder them in their service of him. Ask him to also burden believers to support those who are called to missions; move upon their hearts to give generously, joyously, and sacrificially to the cause of the gospel across the world.
Going forward, I'm committed to _______.
Additional scripture support:
Acts 13:1-3, 26-28, 2 tim 3:16-17, Matt 10:29, Prov. 3:5-7. Acts 21:37-22:21. Prov 21:1
Praying through scripture:
Jesus, your last instructions to us, your church, was to go out and train everyone we meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefol name: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all you have commanded us. We know that you will be with us as we do this, day after day after day, right up until the end of the age. We pray that as we go this your Word will prosper an the number of disciples will increase dramatically. Not least, a great many leaders who submit themselves to the faith. raise up teachers who committ themselves to studying the revelations of your Word, living it an teaching it to others so that they can live its truths and ways. Amen
This is a great last guide, as it reminds us that being Christians isn't just about being in relationship with God, it's about speading the gospel.
One of the things that always stuck with me growing up in the episcopal church was that at the end of every church service the pastor would say
"and let us go forth, to do that work that you have given us to do, to love and uphold you, as faithful messengers, of the Lord our God."
And that is exactly what this guide is saying. Go forth. Be a faithful messenger for God.
Going forward, I'm committed to being a messenger for God, by grace through faith, to go forth and do the work He has given me to do.
Thank you all for following me.
This is the very last post.
So pray for me, and go forth with me, friends. :-)
On Fasting
15 years ago
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