"Honoring the greatness of Jesus Christ by growing spiritually, living authentically, and participating in his purposes." -classic city church's mission statement

Saturday, January 23, 2010

day 13- fasting, breaking, and legalism

So I've had multiple discussions with friends from my church about this, so I thought it would be a good post topic.

In what situations should you break your fast in order to avoid it becoming legalistic?

We've all heard the bible stories in which Jesus comes and shows many people that their legalism (or obediance to the laws) is actually holding them from furthering the kingdom of God.

For example, Jesus heals a lame man (who cannot walk) on the sabboth, even though no work is supposed to be done.

Paul even goes as far to say that against love there is no law.

But does this mean that we *need* to break fasting at some point in time in order to show love is above law? Of course not! That's absolutely ridiculous. We set ourselves out to do a certain thing in God's glory- so why break it?

Well, I think we have to ask ourselves in the given context we want to break it:

Would breaking my fast glorify God more than continuing it?

If you think you're developing an eating disorder by fasting, then STOP. If you're Daniel fasting and a poor person asks if you would be willing to trade your vegetable soup you made for a ramen they have, why not? If you attend a wedding reception in celebration of a union between God and two people, celebrate without guilt.

But if you want some ice cream because you've been good so far, probably not so much.

I think a good question to consider when you're eating something not on your allowed list for fasting is: Is the food I'm eating for the glory of God or for the glory of me? and even Am I using God as an excuse to eat this?

I see this happen a lot not with fasting, but with sin too. We curse or we drink too much or get too close to each other and we say it's because we don't want to be legalistic like the pharisees, but it's an excuse. It's twisting the bible into saying something it doesn't really say.

I think this passage from Paul in Romans really says it best, and so I'm going to end on that for today:


day 13- lots of fruit and salad

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