"Honoring the greatness of Jesus Christ by growing spiritually, living authentically, and participating in his purposes." -classic city church's mission statement

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

day 17- the right place

day 17, and I'm not going to lie. Today I was dreading the fact that I had to come home and take the time to write a blog post. And I will say that this will be short, but to the point.

So I was driving home and I was thinking about being busy, and how God, like any good father, obviously understands when we are really busy. But at the same time, like any father, he'd still like us to check in with him before we rush off on our way. It doesn't mean that we can't get things done we are supposed to get done- because God wants us to work and put our whole hearts into it. But at the same time, constantly checking in and coming to him will help put your head in the right place in order to keep up with the rest of the day.

When I prayed in my car before I left work, I realized that I could think a lot clearer afterwards, and that it would be a lot easier for me to continue to work from home (oh the joys of grad school).

a lot of what I'm saying can be found in an awesome book called Too Busy Not to Pray- so if you have more time than I do tonight, you should check it out. :-)

So short and sweet, here I am, checking in and staying focused. Because God focuses me to keep on going, even when I'm tired.

day 17- raisens and almonds, broccoli, and i'm cooking vegetable soup right now

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